Charity Golf Network

Your source for information about hosting a charity golf tournament.

Saw a tantalizing picture of a sidebar event. Don't know how it works yet, but if anyone else does, please let us know.

The picture showed a guy dressed up in a medieval suit of armor with a big sign around his neck that said "Hit me!". He was standing in a pile of golf balls. I can think of several ways to make money with that, but if anyone out there has ever used it, please let us know how it works.

This was at a golf tournament that was on track to make $196,000 clear this year, so they must be doing something right. Thanks in advance for your help figuring this unique sidebar out. The event was Bob Hammer's "Have a Ball" Charity Golf Tournament (for testicular cancer). Bob's event benefits twenty something cancer charities and regularly makes six figures. He and I are considering doing a new book on how he does it. It's not entirely by the rules, this one. For one thing he holds it at a municipal golf course, violating all the conventional wisdom about exclusive courses attracting more money. How cool is that?


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