Charity Golf Network

Your source for information about hosting a charity golf tournament.

There are some really unusual new ideas out there for odd charity golf events.  My friend, Bob Hammer put a guy out on the driving range in a suit of armor and gave prizes for hitting him.  A cheerleading group in Dallas conducted an all-day golf marathon that netted $50,000 the first time out.  This group  set up a golf course in their neighborhood and played with "Almostgolf" balls that are lighter and safe to use around windows.  They have a fun, cheap to play tournament and raised $10K for a local charity every year.  Not only that, but it's a great neighborhood party to boot.

Anybody else have any links to or stories about goofy, unusual or creative golf tournament ideas?

Post us about them below.

Tom King

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Check the video on the front page for "neighborhood" golf tournaments using the "Almost-a-Golf Ball" (prevents broken windows, but plays more like a golf ball than a Whiffle ball does. 

Or you can just click on this link and it will take you right there.  This type of tournament not only raises money but works out to be a big neighborhood block party and you don't have to charge much to make a lot of money.  Lower overhead.  Wealthy neighborhoods can use this as a local fund-raiser.  More modest neighborhoods can use it as a neighborhood watch kickoff or fund-raiser for the Scouts or something like that.


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