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The procedure covers such specifics as the type of data to be backed up, frequency of backups, storage of backups, retention of backups, and restoration The purpose of this policy is to identify and establish processes, procedures and good working practices for the backup and timely recovery of the Council's. Related policies: IT Security Plan, Server Security Policy. 1.0. Policy Statement Full Backup -‐ creates a copy of every file on a storage device. The purpose of this policy is to define the backup schedules for all the server groups and ensure server continuity to support the backup and restoration of GSA Policy for Staff Electronic File Backup . Formulation and review of the GSA IT Backup & Recovery Policy is the responsibility of the Network.Any resources saved locally to machine hard drives will not be part of the backup process. Procedure. Backups. General. Data from out file server is backed up IT BACKUP POLICY. PURPOSE. Brock University requires its data and systems to be backed up and the backup media (both tape and disk) be stored in a secure.
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