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Coleman saluspa draining instructions

Coleman saluspa draining instructions














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Outdoor Installation: • During filling, draining or when in use, water may spill out of the spa. Therefore the. SaluSpa should be installed near a You have to first remove the drain cap, attach a hose if you wish, spin the outer black ring counter clockwise to start the water flow, then pull the outer ringPlease follow the Assembly instructions and drain the. spa before inflating to the accurate pressure needed. NOTE: Remove the chemical floater from spa when Turn off the electricity supply to your tub and unplug it. · Attach the hose as described above. · Put the end of the hosepipe into a drain or a space away from S-S-004877/90363E/21x28.5cm/美国规Coleman SaluSPA Draining the Spa Please follow the Assembly instructions and drain the spa before inflating. The instructions included with the tub are terrible. They are in a very small text and are not very detailed. There is a YouTube video that showed how to set it

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