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Common Derivatives and Integrals Provided by the Academic Center for Excellence 1 Reviewed June 2008 Common Derivatives and Integrals Derivative Rules: 1. Constant Multiple Rule [ ]cu cu dx d = ′, where c is a constant. 2. Sum and Difference Rule [ ]u v u v dx d ± = ±′ 3. Product Rule [ ]uv uv vu dx d = +′ 4. Quotient Rule v2 vu uv v u ListofDerivativeRules Belowisalistofallthederivativeruleswewentoverinclass. • Constant Rule: f(x)=cthenf0(x)=0 • Constant Multiple Rule: g(x)=c·f(x)theng0(x)=c Table of Derivatives Throughoutthistable,aandbareconstants,independentofx. F(x) F Derivatives Basic Properties/Formulas/Rules d(cf()x)cfx() dx =¢ , cis any constant. (f()x-g()x)¢=-f¢¢()xgx() d(xnn)nx1 dx =-, nis any number. ()0 d c dx = , cis any constant. (fg)¢ =+f¢¢gfg - (Product Rule) 2 ffgfg gg æö¢¢¢- ç÷= Łł - (Quotient Rule) d(f(g()x)) f(g()x)gx() dx =¢¢(Chain Rule) d(g()x) gx()gx() dx ee=¢(()) ln d gx gx dxgx In the table below, and represent differentiable functions of ?œ0ÐBÑ @œ1ÐBÑ B Derivative of a constant.-.B œ! Derivative of constan t ( ) We could also write , and could use..?.B .B-? œ- Ð Ð-0Ñœ-0ww the "prime notion" in the other formulas as well)multiple Continue ReadingDownload Free PDF. Matemáticas Tablas de Derivadas e Integrales TABLA DE DERIVADAS NOTA: u y v representan, cada una, una expresión en función de x (aparece x en la misma), mientras que k, n y a son números reales. y ku y' ku' , k R y u v y' u' v' PROPIEDADES BÁSICAS u ' v uv' y u·v y' u' v uv' y y' u v v2 FUNCIÓN Download Free PDF. Tabla de derivadas. Matemáticas de Bachillerato. Fernando Falla. Full PDF Package. This Paper. A short summary of this paper. 9 Full PDFs related to this paper. and Derivatives The following tables list several hundred organic compounds and provide repre-sentative examples of the six functional-group classes that are treated in Part 4, Organic Qualitative Analysis. The functional groups appear in alphabetical order in Tables 1-7. In each table, compounds are listed in order of increasing boiling Differentiation Formulas d dx k = 0 (1) d dx [f(x)±g(x)] = f0(x)±g0(x) (2) d dx [k ·f(x)] = k ·f0(x) (3) d dx [f(x)g(x)] = f(x)g0(x)+g(x)f0(x) (4) d dx f(x) g(x 2. When taking the derivative of any term that has a "y" in it multiply the term by y0 (or dy=dx) 3. Solve for y0 When finding the second derivative y00, remember to replace any y0 terms in your final answer with the equation for y 0you already found. In other words, your final answer should not have any y terms in it. 2 Integral and derivative Table In this table, a is a constant, while u, v, w are functions. The derivatives are expressed as derivatives with respect to an arbitrary variable x. Derivation Basic Rules [DERIVATION TABLES] --- Algebric and Logarithmes functions Table of Inde nite Integrals Throughout this table, a and b are given constants, independent of x and C is an arbitrary constant. f(x) F(x) = R f(x) dx Table of Inde nite Integrals Throughout this table, a and b are given constants, independent of x and C is an arbitrary constant. f(x) F(x) = R f(x) dx
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