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Dreamscapes of Modernity offers the first book-length treatment of sociotechnical imaginaries, a concept originated by Sheila Jasanoff and developed in close collaboration with Sang-Hyun Kim to describe how visions of scientific and technological progress carry with them implicit ideas about public purposes, collective futures, and the common good. The book presents a mix of case studies Liquid modernity describes a post-Fordist world where the site-intensive factory machinery and fixed capital of "heavy modernity" dissolve into outsourcing, batch production, and hypermobile Co-editor (with Sang-Hyun Kim), Dreamscapes of Modernity: Sociotechnical Imaginaries and the Fabrication of Power Editor, Reframing Rights: Bioconstitutionalism in the Genetic Age (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2011) Editor, States of Knowledge: The Co-Production of Science and Social Order (London: Routledge, 2004) 20biometrics%20final.pdf. 8 Brian Larkin, "The Politics and Poetics of Infrastructure", Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol. 42, No. 1, October 2013. See also Jana Hönke and Ivan Cuesta-Fernandez, "Mobilising Security and Logistics Through an African Port: A Controversies Approach to Infrastructure", Mobilities, Vol. 13, No. 2, January Jasanoff, Sheila, and Sang-Hyun Kim, eds. 2015. Dreamscapes of Modernity: Sociotechnical Imaginaries and the Fabrication of Power. Chicago ; London: The University of Chicago Press. Kinchy, Abby J., and Daniel Lee Kleinman. 2003. "Organizing Credibility: Discursive and Organizational Orthodoxy on the Borders of Ecology and Politics." In the paragraphs which follow, we will be discussing the ways in which two pieces of speculative fiction, the science fiction film Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, and the novel The Tiger's Wife use diagnostic and prognostic certainty as part of their creative narratives. In both cases, the confidence vested in the diagnosis and its outcome is contrasted to the "diagnostic illusory" of Smart home devices: broadly encompassing smart appliances, thermostats, digital voice assistants, consumer electronics, home robotics, Internet of Things (IoT), and other automated home technologies. Energy technologies: e.g. solar PV, batteries, electric vehicles, microgrids, and virtual power plants. Other technologies having potential energy Ghosts of the Shadow City: adventures in the CGI dreamscapes of urban development While undertaking research into the urban soundscape on a former industrial site in east London which is facing unprecedented regeneration, I discovered that another, parallel city was growing alongside it like a shadow - a boneless, depthless, friction-free city where buildings rise from the ground in a single H. G. WELLS, MODERNITY AND THE MOVIES Liverpool Science Fiction Texts and Studies Editor DAVID SEED University of Liverpool Editorial Board MARK BOULD University of the West of England ROB LATHAM University of Iowa PATRICK PARRINDER University of Reading VERONICA HOLLINGER Trent University ROGER LUCKHURST Birkbeck College, University of London ANDY SAWYER University of Liverpool Heis author of Urbanität und Intellektualität im 20.Jahrhunde


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