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Enerlites het01 pdf
















ENERLITES HET01-C programmable digital timer switch allows for convenient home automation of turning your lights on and off. A perfect solution for home security and energy saving. Use on indoor lighting in for the bedroom, hallway, bathroom, garage, closet, ceiling fans and other motors. Enerlites HET01-I Programmable Timer Light Switch The Enerlites HET01-I programmable timer switch is the best tool to program your in-home lights. The smart switch has a Prog button which sets 18 unique on/off settings for each day of the week, including the RND (random) feature to deter unwanted intruders. "Timer Switch Enerlites HET01-C". (Compl., ¶ 16). Plaintiffs claim selling wall timers on Amazon since December 2009. (Compl., ¶ 14). Upon information and belief, Defendants started to sell Century Timer on or around August 2016 but quickly gained popularity among the customers. Defendants attribute their success to winning market The Enerlites HET01 programmable timer switch is one of the best tool to program your in-home lights. The smart switch has a Prog button which sets 18 unique on/off settings for each day of the week, including the RND (random) feature to deter unwanted intruders. It's easy to install and user friendly. Acces PDF Aube Ti073 User Guide BND-60 SU101C 49809 Program Guide Defiant Indoor Digital Timer Light Timer - Set Time Enerlites Programable Timer Aube Ti073 User Guide Page 1: User Guide Quick Start-up Set the time and date before using the switch for the first time. The TI073 will turn the lights on at sunset and turn them off at Page 7/35 Phone: 949-756-0536 Fax: 949-756-0528 e-mail: 0206160022 General Specification Description: Wiring your lights through a timer switch like the Enerlites HET01 can help save you money while adding a level of convenience and safety to your home. This Enerlites 7-day programmable timer switch has the flexibility of being HET01PROGRAMMING NOTE: • This Timer has a built in rechargeable battery backup. The programming will be stored during the event of a power outtage. • The display has a Blue Backlight. Each time a button is pressed, the light will come on for 14 seconds. • In programming mode, there is a 12 seconds time-out. Enerlites HET01 backlit 7-Day programmable in-wall timer switch is now available on Amazon now. The timer can be programmable based on your own need. You can

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