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LED PAR 64 INSTRUCTION MANUAL. Page 2. INTRODUCTION. The LED PAR64 is a DMX intelligent LED Par Can. This Par Can is lightweight and compact which makes it PAR 36, PAR 56,. PAR 64. LED PAR user manual user manual which is ready for download under General information. PAR 36 Featuring high intensity 10mm LEDs, this par can boasts not only a great output but superb eye candy effects as well for performances of all sizes. The units Please refer to the following diagram to address your DMX512 channel for the units. DMX Channels. Each LED PAR has 5 control channels - The LED PAR 64 light has a hydrodynamic aluminum shell. Three colors of high- brightness LED lights (red, blue, green) are used to create a wide spectrum of dance halls, stage backgrounds, hotels, large-scale performances, drapery uplighting and stage lighting. Packing List. - LED PAR 64 light. - User manual. 2.1 x LED PAR 64 Tri-B. ·. 1 x Gel Frame. ·. 1 x Warranty Card. ·. 1 x User Manual. Unpacking Instructions. Immediately upon receiving a fixture, The LED Par 64 system can operate as a 1, 2, 3 or 7-channel DMX fixture. Master. DMX. Page 14. 12. 1. Manual Control.

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