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Microchip layout guidelines

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This application note provides information on design considerations for a printed circuit board (PCB) for the Microchip. MEC140x / MEC141x family devices This application note provides information on design considerations for a printed circuit board (PCB) for the Microchip. MEC142x family devices including The purpose of this application note is to provide specific design and layout guidelines to printed circuit board and software designers utilizing the This application note provides information on design considerations for a printed circuit board (PCB) for the Microchip. MEC1721/MEC1723 device.This document provides recommendations regarding PCB layout, a critical component in maintaining Ethernet Layout Guidelines on page 5. The purpose of this application note is to provide specific design and layout guidelines to printed circuit board and software designers utilizing the This section discusses general guidelines for layout, covering trace width calculations, bypass capacitor locations, and routing considerations. When resistor, depending on the desired strap in setting of the chip. ▫ Place the termination resistors for the transmit and receive differential pairs close to the. This document provides basic layout recommendations for some critical components of the SAMA5D2 platform, as well as layout examples for the SAMA5D2 in the

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