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If the employer pays out the notice period, the employee's employment ends on the date that payment in lieu of notice is made. The employee doesn't stay An employee who is terminated is entitled to either notice of termination (working notice), or pay in lieu of notice (termination pay) based upon the amount of Entitlement under reg. 14 does not vary if the employer makes a payment in lieu of notice to cover the full notice period. It is the actual date of termination Pay in lieu of contractual notice is when a payment is made to an employee upon termination without notice. This payment ends their employment at that point If it is, and an employee accepts payment of wages in lieu of notice, the date of dismissal will be the date on which termination takes effect,If an employee receives a payment in lieu of notice, will their annual leave entitlement accrue up to the termination date, or the end of the notice period? If a notice period such as one month is required for an employer to terminate a contract, a 'payment in lieu of notice' is immediate compensation at an
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