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GUIDANCE MATERIAL FOR Performanced-Based Navigation (PBN) Approved by. Jean Claude Vadel. Download Download PDF. Full PDF Package Download Full PDF Package. This Paper. A short summary of this paper. 29 Full PDFs related to this paper. Read Paper. Download Download PDF. 2 FULL DE RESUM - TREBALL FI DE GRAU DE L'ESCOLA D'ENGINYERIA Títol del Treball Fi de Grau: El concepto PBN. Diseño de una aproximación RNP para el aeropuerto de Tenerife Norte. Autor[a]: Carlos Sierra Martínez Data: Juliol 2020 Tutor[a]/s[es]: Enrique Reguilón Oter Titulació: Grau en Gestió Aeronàutica Paraules clau (mínim 3) Description PBN aims to ensure global standardisation of RNAV and RNP specifications and to limit the proliferation of navigation specifications in use world-wide. It is a new concept based on the use of Area Navigation (RNAV) systems. Significantly, it is a move from a limited statement of required performance accuracy to the following: The ICAO PBN Manual (Doc 9613) PBN Procedures by Phase of Flight DEPARTURE/ASCENT EN ROUTE/CRUISE ARRIVAL/DESCENT APPROACH/LANDING Q Routes T Routes RNAV-1 DP RNAV-1 STAR RNAV (GPS) LNAV LNAV/VNAV LP LPV RNP AR RNP 0.3 RNP 0.15 RNP 0.1 GLS Up to 20 nm DP - Departure Procedures GBAS - Ground-Based Augmentation System GLS - GBAS Landing System LNAV - Lateral Navigation Understanding PBN, RNAV and RNP Operations: Introduction 2 Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) is a term used to describe the broad range of technologies that are moving aviation away from a ground-based navigation system toward a system that relies more on the performance and capabilities of equipment on board the aircraft. Introduction • This manual covers the Performance Based Navigation (PBN) theoretical knowledge and ground training for a Europe based Instrument Rated pilot operating single-pilot general aviation aircraft under IFR in Europe • The focus of the manual is on European single pilots using GNSS in an IFR context. Other technologies are mentioned only for completeness and with little detail. If you are trying to understand Performance Based Navigation (PBN) this article will provide you with all the information you need. The article was written by our safety partner Stephen van Houwelingen from STAC as part of his own journey to implement PBN in a small operator. At the bottom the article is also provided as a handy PDF guide. PBN is a concept using the advantages of advanced aircraft RNAV systems which are achieving a predictable level of navigation performance accuracy together with an appropriate level of functionality is called Performance Based Navigation PBN The Performance Based Navigation concept specifies that aircraft RNAV system performance requirements 1.1.2. Performance-based navigation (PBN) detailed in Doc 9613, The Performance-based Navigation (PBN) Manual, is based upon area navigation principles. While various methods of area navigation have been in existence for many years, the widespread use of area navigation as a primary navigation function is a more recent phenomenon. Acerca. La navegación basada en el desempeño (PBN) es la solución más práctica para la regulación de la nueva tecnología de los sistemas de navegación. La PBN se basa en la navegación de área (RNAV), un método de navegación que permite la operación de aeronaves en cualquier trayectoria de vuelo deseada, dentro de la cobertura de 2.3 The fundamentals of PBN operations are relatively straightforward; however, the transition to new technology, new navigation and new


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