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Perfect cooker rice instructions














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Combine all the ingredients in the pot and stir. • Secure the lid and press the Rice button. • After 10 minutes of cooking time, give the ingredients a stir and You must TURN OFF The Perfect Cooker MANUALLY when the time allotted by the recipe has elapsed. 4. How will I know when the rice has finished cooking? Cook's Essentials 5-Cup Perfect Cooker Recipes. Asian Noodle Bowl. 2 cups chicken stock. 2 tablespoons red miso paste. 4 ounces dried rice noodles (rolledPerfect Cooker™ will provide you many years of delicious meals… but before during cooking such as rice or dried beans, follow the recipe carefully for WHITE RICE 6 oz. rice 8 oz. water • Place the Inner Pot into the Perfect Cooker. Add in the rice and the water. Secure the Lid and press the Cook button

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